Choice of the floor
31, Hong Kong, Χονγκ Κονγκ

Generally in the choice of the floor should first consider the color tone, light color of the floor is bright and spacious room, and was not dirty. Under normal circumstances there is basically no mud on the ground floor and oil, so most of our floor is just some dust only. Although the light color of the floor is not dirty, but if the color is too light, the room wall color is white or other cool colors, then the overall effect of the cold.High environmental park WPC flooring

If you prefer the light color of the floor and do not want to be too cold, it is recommended that you choose the main color is light, but with a warm tonal patterns, this will be better. If there is slight deformation of the floor, the floor will be more obvious when the contraction of the seam, so when the installation to choose the perfect installation team. Dark tones of the floor, such as black walnut color, the overall look even more grades, is the general consumer preferred color. But you choose to take into account the degree of your indoor lighting, or the room will appear particularly dark light. Also involved is that light-colored floor need to clean up, or else the dust appears too much, it will be easy to see dirty mess.No cracking of the WPC fence

On the choice of cold and warm colors, the general situation is the elderly should choose the warm indoor color, especially children are not around, but also to such a choice, there is a warm feeling of good mood for the elderly. We do not put their own room too cold, some people like to clean like white, imagine your home walls, doors, floors, furniture is white or in addition to the walls are black, then the winter home feel? Will certainly feel very cold. So people will feel bad up, therefore, it is recommended in the choice of flooring color to be carefully considered. Color selection to make their own decisions, choose their favorite is the best.Safety WPC outdoor wall panel


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