Awkward Moments
28, Rakvere, Εστονία

1.That awkward moment when you ask somebody for a piece of gum and they offer you their last piece
2.That awkward moment when you hit “send” before your message was completed.
3.That awkward moment when your computer dies because you were too into tumblr to realize that the battery was low
4.That awkward moment when the chain mail murderer can’t kill anyone because everyone stopped reading after “don’t read this”.
5.That awkward moment when the chain mail murderer can’t kill anyone because everyone stopped reading after “don’t read this”.
6.That awkward moment when you look fine in front of the mirror then as soon as you take a picture you look like a troll.
7.That awkward moment when you're trying to get over someone you were never dating.
8.That awkward moment when you're making a wish on 11:11 and you get interrupted by 11:12
9.That awkward moment when you say 'Hey' to someone on facebook chat, and seconds later they sign out. How Rude.
10.That awkward moment when someone finishes a test in 10 minutes while I'm still on the 1st question.
11.That awkward moment when you get mad at someone and slam the door then realized you forgot something so you have to go back.
12.That awkward moment when you see one of your old teachers walking around a store holding hands with one of your old class mates....
13.That awkward moment when 2 girls are arguing over team Edward and team Jacob in the bathroom.
14.That awkward moment when when you think you know someone but you were completely wrong.
15.That awkward moment when you expect 75 texts from people after being away from your phone for a while, and you only get 2 texts from your mom.
16.That awkward moment when you say the wrong answer to a question aloud in class confidently.


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