stepihunt22 04. June 1981 (43), Avinurme, Estonia Was online less than a day ago
  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshipflirtrelationship
  • Interested in girls
  • I speak estonian.
  • I have one child.
  • 182 cm
  • I smoke.
  • My religion is pastafarian.
  • 14.10.2010
  • Your match Find out [?] 0 %
  • Response rate: low
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Paljud inimkäitumist käsitlevad uuringud kinnitavad, et inimese edukus oleneb paljuski emotsionaalsest intelligentsusest (EQ), mis väljendub heas suhtlemisoskuses, iseenda ja oma võimete tundmises nin

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His quizzes
  • What causes reluctance in the opposite sex? Find out what can push you away from person once and for all
    • Many people are irritated by people with high self-esteem, including you. therefore if already at the first acquaintance you [__ separator__] notice that girl decided that she is the most beautiful and wonderful in the whole world and everybody including you, should lie at her feet, then the further interest to communicate with such a person disappears. Low self-esteem, of course, also does not bear in itself anything good. You will always look for a "normal" woman and you are attracted not only by look but also by soul.
  • On what are built your relationships with friends? Find out what helps you get along with other people
    • You do not have many friends, but these people are tested by time and different situations. People need to earn your trust and those who succeeded have found [__ separator__] a true friend in you. After all, you consider trust to be the foundation for a strong friendship. If a person fails even once, you can not forgive and easily leave him/her out of the circle of your communication. You're not one of those who can give a second chance and this applies not only to friendship...
  • What is the most important for you in a partner? Find out what you value
    • You have always been attracted to successful people, for you it is their achievements that are an example of how to live and how to go towards the goal. If you meet a successful [__ separator__] person, he is already interesting to you simply by being able to achieve a lot in this life. You have always been inclined to the fact that relationships are not just an attraction to each other, but also a cognition of this world together. If you meet a person aimlessly walking through life this is definitely not your type and you probably do not have many common themes. You want to thrive in life but not alone...
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