lasha 13. May 1985 (39), Tbilisi, Georgia Was online more than one month ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshipflirtrelationship
  • Interested in girls
  • I speak georgian.
  • I have no kids.
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  • I don't smoke.
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  • 22.07.2020
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His quizzes
  • What does love mean to you? The test will show what importance you attach to love
    • You are firmly convinced that love and passion are inseparable. It is on the mutual attraction of not only souls, but also bodies, that strong relationships are built. If people in a couple fit each other on a physiological level, this is already a good sign, because without intimacy at the proper level, the relationship will probably soon fail. You are one of those people for whom love is bright emotions and constant drive. You are convinced that love does not require unnecessary conversations and in those moments when you manage to be together, you need to spend it as romantic as possible, forgetting about everything around you...
  • Your view of life Your true attitude to the world around you
    • Your view of life is philosophical. You are not one of those who panic during a critical situation, on the contrary, if necessary, you always [__ separator__] try to keep people around you calm. With you it's always interesting, because your view of things is different from common understanding and you always figure things out quickly. Stay as you are and all the doors will be always open for you.
  • Your standard of culture Find out if you'e a cultured person
    • Your standard of culture is quite high. You always strive for More »
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